Saturday, September 26, 2009

scant more

Went back out to Mom and Dad's to try and help Mom decide 0n sommore things to get rid of. I scanned some more of the old photos.

Drove around town a little and listened to "Data," just like i used to....

This Razormaid version of Hassan would've fit in nicely....

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

all's fair

Went to the State Fair of Oklahoma with Mom today. No rides. No games. Lots of talking.

Best? The 4H pavilion. I should've taken more shots of the once-pretty cakes...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

fashion weak

Now I see where I got my fashion sense...
(please note my title of "vice president/fashion coordinator")


Would probably pay waaay too much for any of these furnishings today.

nice pole

Went out to Mom and Dad's today to see how they are getting along. Whilst there, I did a little scanning.

I think I'd been checking out either the JC Penney's catalog or Mom's Simplicity patterns a little too much before this photo was taken...