The tow-head on the left smiling at the dog is me, the last time I was a resident of this street. I've changed my hairstyle since then; must be why nobody on the block recognizes me.
Been a little happy/sad these days: Clare fits my mood, and makes me forget I am sleeping on a waterbed here!......
Today is my late friend Kyle's birthday... It feels strange to be here, not 2 miles from our old apartment in Oklahoma City. I am staying 4 houses away from the house i grew up in, and helping to take care of another old friend who is dying.
Heavy; yes, but I am glad I can help out.....
Was driving down "Northwest Expressway" today, listening to Heaven 17 (" We Live So Fast"), just like I did 25 years ago. EWWW!!!
I remember getting in trouble because Mom thought they were saying "bullshit," instead of "motion." 25 years ago, not today.