This is me and Jana about a hundred years ago. This is also my current residence, when I am not over at Jana's (the cute kid on the right). We are both very glad to have each other about now. Jana's Mom, Judy is about the enter another existential plain, and I could not be more glad that we have each other.
The tow-head on the left smiling at the dog is me, the last time I was a resident of this street. I've changed my hairstyle since then; must be why nobody on the block recognizes me.
Been a little happy/sad these days: Clare fits my mood, and makes me forget I am sleeping on a waterbed here!......
Today is my late friend Kyle's birthday... It feels strange to be here, not 2 miles from our old apartment in Oklahoma City. I am staying 4 houses away from the house i grew up in, and helping to take care of another old friend who is dying.
Heavy; yes, but I am glad I can help out.....
Was driving down "Northwest Expressway" today, listening to Heaven 17 (" We Live So Fast"), just like I did 25 years ago. EWWW!!!
I remember getting in trouble because Mom thought they were saying "bullshit," instead of "motion." 25 years ago, not today.
We do NOT have a technical here, so just b/c I have a Flickr thing, it doesn't mean I am taking lots of pictures or anything. I have, however, loaded up some shots of the Christmas wrapping I did last year. Y'all might like 'em....
Had my headphones on up in the showroom while i was trying to figger out a new way to display fabuliss fur throws and this song told me to put it on the blog.
Finally found the old Dick's Bar commercial ( the soundtrack and final shot must've been too much for my encoder to handle), but here's the 1984 Floor Show segment from the frightful Barry Z show. Love how Sherry Vine block my face right when i turn towards the camera. Unfortunately, there is no footage of Mark's other Amanda Lear tribute from that night.
Still digging thru boxes under the bed for Magnifique...
I am also looking for a mpg editor so that I can post some HEROES footage(absolutely NOT the Lee Chappell song, but Todd's "Hard Times" never fails to crack my ass up.)